Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Learning from movies

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love movies. My collection is great, perhaps even bordering on insane. I think this love affair started more as an escape from the reality that plagued me, but it has become more of a hobby. Sometimes a gateway to laughter, sometimes a chance to experience something I never would, and sometimes just simply the prevention of boredom. But there is nothing better than enjoying a movie and having it actually impact your life. Last night, I watched one of those movies. It got me thinking about those little things in life that are so significant, those split second decisions that change everything. You just never know...
It makes me even more determined to make my life mean something, to be worth something. You never know the impact you have on someone's life. You never know how something so seemingly insignificant can change your entire life, who you are, and what you believe. I keep talking of little things, but THOSE are the moment that define our lives. THOSE are the moments to live for, and sometimes to die for. Those are what we face every day of our lives, giving us the opportunity to improve, one little thing at a time, and ultimately, able to conquer the big things. So here's to the little things: smiling at a co-worker, helping your neighbor start her car, calling those you love just to say you love them, letting a movie change your life, all the while cherishing every moment. Because big things are on the way. And the little things will take you there.

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